I’m just going to cut right to the chase on this one. If you’re inquiring about a ceramic coating and the installer is not going to polish or paint correct the vehicle prior to installing the coating, YOU’RE GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME! Simply stated, it is a requirement for most legit ceramic coating companies that the installer do some level of paint enhancement work prior to installation. This even applies to new vehicles and vessels. Check out this brand new boat and the amount of damage we will be removing prior to installing the ceramic coating here. It is a requirement here at Dirty2Dreamy.
You see, the coating requires the cleanest of surfaces to properly bond to the surface you are applying it to. Those installers that decide to not even do a polish are cutting the longevity of your coating pretty dramatically. The coating will not have the proper bond and won’t look as good as it could. You top that off with it not lasting nearly as long as promised and that equals a bad ceramic experience.
The biggest benefits of ceramic coating are making the vehicle easier to maintain, look cleaner longer, increase the gloss of the paint and long term protection. You will not experience any of these benefits without a proper installation of the ceramic coating. This installation requires an extensive decontamination wash and proper preparation of the painted and glass surfaces of the vehicle.
The good news is that we have the solution to this problem here at Dirty2Dreamy. Every ceramic coating that we apply goes through some level of paint correction to remove defects before applying protection. This ensures the strongest of bonds with the paint. Your ceramic coating will look better and last longer with this level of service. At this point, we have well over 1,000 installs and we know what we are doing. Do yourself a big favor and hire an expert to do something to your vehicle that requires an expert. I promise you that you won’t regret it. In fact, I guarantee it!
For more information about the ceramic coating process. Check out our process here.
Thanks for reading!
Jonathan Monson
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